The first day...duh duh was..................................Awesome! Ok well, compared to going to Disney World maybe not....but compared to how I remember road trips with yours truly, my sistas...this trip was amazing (no offense Mammy and Shelly).
I have to split off here and talk about our yearly family road trips to Zion(Utah). Today reminded me....ok I was always so excited to go. We got all new crayons and books and music and walk-man, well not the Sony brand..Then we would go and Michele would be yelling, "I'm in the sun again, WHY AM I ALWAYS IN THE SUN!" Amy would be going, " When can we stop for cheese fries..." and I would be sitting there keeping to myself, being a perfect step-ford child! What? I heard that, I totally heard that! Did the bottom of my shoe leave a print on your face??? Oops Evidence. I don't honestly remember that many particulars about these trips. What I DO remember is how unhappy we made my mom, so we must have been driving her crazy. I remember her getting so mad one time that she pulled off the road into some farm-town and we pulled into a K-Mart. We went in and she bought us our own K-Mart brand walk-mans and music to go. She was desperate and at her wits end! With headphones in, I think that limited the amount of yelling, kicking, clawing we could do to each other and we went on. Then mom stopped at a gas station and came out with a COKE. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH We were SHOCKED! See we grew up in a family were if you drank Coke and said, "Crap" you were bad. So we were all,"MOM you're drinking a Coke????????????," and she went on the explain that she was having a hard time staying awake...NO really is that why you were flapping your arms up and down like a wild chicken and yelping????? (Yes, she really did do that!) It left a lasting impression!!! So the Coke was medicine. There was no red bull in those days...I wonder what we would have thought about that??? I've never said it but, "Sorry for being whatever I was being on those trips out west!"
OK so back to my trip....Thanks Darleen, sometime after lunch I was feeling the drag and the RED BULL did the trick. That stuff also suppresses appetite...BONUS! I get the major munchies when I am driving so that was good. I ate a bowl of cereal at 8 a.m., but by 10:30 I had already had chez mix, beef jerky, and cookies. OH YA, get in my belly!!!! Around lunch time I drank the red bull and then I didn't get hungry again the whole time!
The kids were sooooo soo good! Ethan only cried ONE time and that was when he was tired and overdue for a nap and then he fell asleep. Ryan did not complain once. He was an angel helping me with Ethan and talking very sweet to him and being quiet while he this kid...don't now how I got so lucky! For 2, Ethan was really really good too. Blessed. Because driving with two kids, turning around a million times and thanks goodness for those loud lines on the side of the road!!!
Ok you should be impressed my fellow bloggers b/c I even have pixs and videos...
We went swimming, got in our jammies and snuggled to watch, "SO you think we can dance!"
I am so glad things are going well!! Good thing you didn't have to miss SYTYCD!
I am glad that the road trip is working out. If you don't want the added calories, you should try cheeseits ;)...That made me happy when I was preggers and it didn't have that many calories ;). Well, since Red Bull wasn't heard of in our days, do you remember Surge? I think that was close to Red Bull, but it had the taste of Mountain Dew.
I am glad everything is going well. Loved the story about past road trips with the parents. Soooo funny! and still waaaaaay calmer than my parents ever were. :)
i could never picture your mom doing that but then again I only see here at church. That cracked me up though. We always get our paybacks. See you when you get here I am sure, that is if you make it to church.
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