Sunday, May 11, 2008

Potty training commence....cross fingers!!!!!

I hated mother-hood......while I was potty training Ryan. Two weeks before his 4 year old pre-school was due to start he started putting his "poopie in the potty" for good. His future pre-school teacher gets the credit. She went through the laundry list of things to try, which I had done them all, to which she said, "Well, maybe his prom date can talk him into it!" What finally got him to do it wa cleaning up after himself. If he did the deed in his pants, he had to do all the clean-up...rinsing,soaking, washing, idsinfecting.....we did this one time and from then on...he wa on the potty. This was after about a year of several attempts at the training. I was hating life many of this time.

So Ethan from a young age has shown interest in the subject, but I have shunned it b/c I STILL remember the trauma from Ryan. It's only been a little over a year!!

But I have run out excuses, first it was wait till he was 2, then it was I had a string of company coming....I have no more excuses, well today I said, I'll start tomorrow. It's like starting a diet. You always find a reason to start TOMORROW. I have the supplies purchased, well the pull-ups. My plan:

1)Fill a sippy with water and give it to him early in the morning and keep full through-out day so he needs to pee a lot.

2)Set a timer and every 45 min. set him on the potty. If he pees in the potty, he gets candy.

3)Have him wear pull-ups, not underwear ....yet

See right now, he pees in his diaper, say's "PEE PEE" grabs his crouch and runs on the potty and goes "shhhhhhhhssssssssss" (the sound of pee pee) then he throws almost a whole roll of TP in the toilet flushes and walks away.... So the DESIRE is there.

My goal: have him fully trained by JULY. Thats about 50 to all you season'd moms out there, if you have ever potty trained a two year old, I would LOVE to hear any advice, tricks, and what you did.... Wish me luck with the potty talk!


Kelly said...

Good Luck - that's all I have to say!! No, seriously, Celeste so potty trained herself in a day- I just waited for the right time and she is perfectly dry all day and all night- just like that- I don't know what I did to deserve that, but I am grateful!!
He sounds ready, so have fun!!

Amanda B. said...

Good luck to you! I feel your pain- both boys were awful to potty train. I am hoping the girls will be easier because I feel I have earned it! :) I wish I have words of wisdom for you, but I don't because my boys had a hard time like yours did. Good to hear from you again! I had been wondering where you were!

Valarie said...

Your plan sounds good. Keep him full of liquids, put him on the potty often, praise the crap (no pun intended) out of him when he does it, plan on staying home for a few days so you are always close to a potty that he is familiar with, and the final thing is DON'T GIVE UP!! It will most likely suck for at least the first couple of days, but if you stick with it, he will get it. I still suggest doing underwear least during the day. I think he will be easier than Ryan was. He sounds like he is ready. Oh, and if he really likes putting toilet paper in the potty, don't let him do it unless he goes first. It might work as well as candy. OH, and make Ryan and Seth take him in everytime they go. I have found that boys learn better from watching other boys. Good Luck!! :)

Shelly said...

Okay you know I have some opions about this. So check my blog! You can do it the easy way or the hard way. I choose the easy way..WAIT