Friday, April 4, 2008

You can dance, you can jive! Havin the time of your life.....

Ryan: "Lisa I want to take a video of you dancing..."

I think the Rockettes are calling...teh hee....

Diaper Diaries:

So last night, seth was a proud papa. He got the packaging tape out again and tapes that sucker up good. Only a super baby was getting out of that bad boy.


I walk in and see Shapoopie (Ethan) kneeling over a wet spot. Automatically I assume he has somehow got it off and look for the tracks...but the diaper was still ON!!! So what is that wet spot?

Me- " Ethan is this pee pee or water?"

Ethan-(cute little high pitched squeak) "pee pee."

Oh.Well, What does a two year old know, his diaper is still on, his sippy cup must have leaked. Then Seth lifts him up and his legs instinctively spread apart.


That's right folks, he fished it out and aimed and fired...he was so proud of himself. Well, that's it, you are sentenced to a life of cut-out one piece sleepers. Try to get out of that one wise guy!


everyday katie said...

I wish it didn't make me laugh so much. Now my baby is going to turn into one of those kids.

By the way, we had a very similar dance session last night...only ours included costumes.

Aggieland Mom said...

Wow, can't stop laughing. There's nothing like a life of a mommy with boys!! hahahaha I am SO GLAD Alex doesn't do that! He hasn't even figured out how to climb out of his crib yet...which is surprising. He's definitely talented enough. haha Oh and no, the countdown isn't for being preggers. lol Good one! =) It's for Stephanie Meyers new book coming out, it's the last in the "Twilight" series. YOU NEED TO READ THEM!

Aggieland Mom said...

By the way, love the dancing! You're a HOT MAMA!

Rachel H said...

That was so fun! It reminded me of Crank on Emporer's New Groove where he's making his own theme song while he sneaks around!! heehe! You totally were adding some sweet sounds efects. haha! =)

Kelly said...

That was fun! We just finished our Friday night dance party, and I am grateful my children haven't asked to video me! I couldn't stand watching it, and I would never put it on the web, but I dont' dance as well as you, either! Are you still taking dance like you did here? I love the pee pee story, too! So glad I have a girl!

Amy Jane said...

so fun!! I can't believe that you moved away from me....and now are happy enough to dance around and have a good time with your children! lol, just kidding. oh, and ethan is such a character!! give them big hugs for me!!!!

Amanda B. said...

I am glad the diaper situation is working out better- how funny but awful for you! He may have a career as a magician someday!

Jennifer Woodbury said...

I always love reading about the adventures of Ethan and the diapers! It makes me scared to ever have a boy though. At least you have a great sense of humor about it!

Sweet moves by the way!!

Valarie said...

Ummm, yeah. You definitely need to potty train that kid!!

The Parkers said...

Ok, I'm still chuckling at that one. Tate was exactly that kind of kid. Good luck. :)

Autumn said...

What a fun mom you are. Your kids are going to love this even more 10 years from now.