Wednesday, April 23, 2008


So many of my fellow blog friends don't know this, but I have 2 sisters. You all know Amy, fellow blogger, mother of the cutest baby in the world! (bottom right)

But I have another sister(top second from left)... a really cool, funny, adventurous, SMART, and FEARLESS.....

********************NEED I SAY MORE???? **********************

THis is how she spends he weekends. By week she is a ubber smart proffesional that works for the USGS (US Geological Service) and getting her masters in night she is a ...what are you Michele? But by weekend she is a rock climbing, boy chasing(actually according to her she is running as fast as they can chase, but they continue to follow), wave catching kayaker that is loved by many especially ME! I wish we were closer, she is smashingly fun. But the landscapes of Oregon own her adventerous spirit and love of the outdoors. Shout out to you in OREGON my are LOVED!!!


Michele said...

What am I by night, you ask? Tired!!
Thanks for saying such nice things about me. I will try to be as awesome as you say I am!
Love ya too sis...M.

Amanda B. said...

Very cool- I knew you had another sister named michele, but I didn't know anything about her. It was interesting to read- she sounds like an awesome person!

Valarie said...

How did I not know she is in Oregon?? Man, I am seriously behind the times. Oh wait...maybe I did know that. Well, whatever......I wanna go hang out with her for a weekend. HI MICHELE!

Autumn said...

What a gorgeous family. Its great to see a picture of your other sister. Sweet-a real adventurer! I love it.