Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A letter from grandma- read by Ryan (5 yrs.)

My mom had a light-bulb moment the other day. She realized that now that Ryan can read she could mail him a letter. Being the awesome grandmother that she is, she followed through. Two days later, a letter arrived from none other than JUDY ADAMS To RYAN!!! He was so excited! He opened it and read aloud for all to hear. I captured the entire thing for you grandparents to see and hear. Ryan is pretty much a self taught reader, the little whiz.


Valarie said...

Oh my! What a little smartie! He is such a great reader. I went and registered Kyle for Kindergarten this morning. UGH!

Rachel H said...

Ohh I am so jealous! If only Lena would catch on!! She is learning, and getting better, but it still has NOT "clicked" for her yet!! Yay for Ryan!

Amanda B. said...

Wow! What a great reader! He reads way better than Kenny (who is in first grade and reading at grade level!) How fun to get a letter from grandma- there isn't much better than getting mail addressed to you!

Amelia said...

WOW he's awesome!!! What did you do? Or did he just catch on? I miss seeing you at our fam. gatherings!