Friday, February 1, 2008

Sick is NOT pretty

So yesterday I came down with the plague. I haven't had a fever since H.S. until yesterday. I guess you could call this the flu...fever,chills,muscle aches, plus the whole gammit of mucous related yuck. So what is worse is being this way while still taking care of the monkey and the monster (Ryan and Ethan). Changing diapers while your eyeballs feel like they are going to pop out. Fixing breakfast and getting nauseas. I guess it is one of those moments where I became eternally in awe of generations of women who have cared for children while being less than themselves. Thanks Mom!


Rachel H said...

Poor baby! You need a mommy to take care of you too now huh! Things will look better soon! Once your nausea goes away- have some jello- one of my favorite things when I am sick! ha!

Valarie said...

Ick. Being sick sucks. Remember when I came down with the flu (and I mean the actual influenza, not just what everyone calls "the flu") a few years ago?? I seriously thought I was going to die. I took care of the kids until I was so sick I was passing out. I vowed then to never get sick again. :)
I hope you are feeling better soon.

Aggieland Mom said...

Oh Lisa I'm so sorry you're sick. I hope you get better soon! Tell Seth you need a massage and a bubble bath!