Friday, November 7, 2008


It seems I need to clarify a few things to make my purpose of posting on Autism clear....

My heart goes out to all those families, whose lives are touched with someone whom has a disability. I have always had a special place in my heart for people with these special needs.

Anyway....... the "guy" in my ward that is a Autism specialist. He was board certified as a E.R. doc in 1999, but once his son was diagnosed with Autism in 2001, he found the Pediatricians had very limited knowledge of the disease. He was frustrated by this and decided to research, study, and evaluate cases of his own. He started working at a Autism clinic in Utah in 2002. In 2006 he moved to another Autism clinic in Austin,TX.

During this time he has studied and treated a thousand patients, written a book about all the different research and latest treatments for Autism, and become known by the Autism and medical community alike as a "specialist". Actually according to some, "one of the leading Autism specialist in the country". He is the biological father of one and adoptive father of two Autistic children.

If you watch one of his interviews on t.v., when asked if he believes if there is a connection between vaccinations and the rise in Autism, he will reply, " No one knows." or "We don't know for sure." This is true.

In a private conversation , he said he did believe there was a connection, that he has seen too many cases that lead him to believe that SOME forms of Autism may be "Triggered" from vaccinations. My favorite quote, "How many 40 yr. olds do you see walking around with Autism."

For me, coming from a man with this much knowledge, background, and experience. This is enough of a reason for me to walk on the side of caution and decide for myself personally if I am blessed with a third child, I will ask for his advice on which vaccinations he thinks are critical and on what schedule he thinks I should get them taken. This is for myself personally. But the reason I posted my comment about Autism in "Gut Feelings" was because I was trying to pass on some "insider information" from a extremely reliable source on the subject that I feel is critical knowledge for all mothers and in this circumstance my friends and family so they can take my information and research it for themselves and make the best possible decision for their family.

There are very smart people who have Autistic children, who look at all the research, study all the books and come to the conclusion that there is NO connection between vaccinations and Autism. ( of five)

There are very smart people who have Autistic children, who look at that same research, study the same books, and come to the conclusion that there IS A CONNECTION between vaccinations and Autism. (ex.Jenni McCarthy, The doctor I know)

Is one better than the other? Is one smarter than the other? Or are we all human being with our own path and own experiances.

Everyday mothers choose to do things for their children to be "on the safe side." Well, having a M.D. Autism specialist that I know personally and has all the experience and expertise to back it up that says there "could be a connection" is enough for me to be "on the safe side" and choose to vaccinate my children on a different schedule than the medical community dictates.

I am not here to debate whether or not Autism is caused or triggered by vaccinations. I care very much for my friends and family and I was merely trying to pass on some information I found very enlightening and knowledge is power. Everyone has a choice of how they interpret it. For all those women still in thier child bearing years I hope you will take this information and continue to educate yourselves and make a decision you feel is best for you and your children. God Bless!


Abbey said...

I had no idea that you could get people all fired up. I know you are a sweet girl and would never mean to upset anyone. Isnt wonderful that we live in this country so people are free to voice their opinions?

Kelly said...

You might want to delete her comments- they are awful! I so didn't read that thinking it would trigger such an uproar! Sorry it did!
I wonder how she found your post. Do you have your settings so that people can't look up your blog through google? If you do, you might want to change that.
Cheer up- we all know your good intentions!

Rachel H said...

Well said girlfriend!! I totally would do that too...but I am getting my BB girl's shot's done at a clinic instead the of the Dr's office cuz it's WAAAY cheaper. So now I just go on hope that if she's meant to have Autism...well I guess that's something I would deal with when it happens. Hopefully not though!!

Suzette Selden said...

Nicely worded Lisa! We had a great time last night with ya'll as always!

Stephanie said...

I am so sorry you were attack from a blog...It is just an opinion people...that's why I try to stay away from religion and do know that autism is a one knows for sure why certain kids have it and others don't...there's a possibility that it can be linked from the vaccinations or in your one knows for sure...I do know that changing an autism child's diet has made huge's funny how taking out certain ingredients can make a difference...anyway, "food for thought"...

Shelly said...

Oh how is it htat even hundreds of miles away you still manage to to keep me Entertained. Kuddos to you
Lisa you handle all of this very well!!! Well of you did...your a Cochran. Lol!!!

PS. me and ethan had a 20 min conversation today. he is sooo sweet! Cochran boy sweet??? that must be an Adam's trait:)

Judy Adams said...

Ya, you have always had a big heart and a helping hand for the
disadvantaged or handicapped.
Cudos my love

Judy Adams said...

Okay folks, let's let Lisa get on with her normal hectic routine and post the things we all love about her and her family. LOL

Chapman Channel said...

Oh my, I had no idea what drama was happening over at the Cochran blog! I just happened upon it today and had not expected all the excitement :) over your post! I really really liked everything you've said and I totally would have posted the same info if I was lucky enough to know a dr. that was a specialist on such a hot topic. I wish I had spaced out my boys vaccinations...but they are alright so far, and I can still space out whatever ones they still need. You handled that spastic situation very nicely--well done. :)

brittneyboucha said...

Hey Lisa,
i loved this blog. could you send me the vaccination schedule the man in your ward suggests. i have thought about this since i had my first and still do. I want to immunize becaue i dont know enough not too but i would like to wait to do them. my email is

Seth said...

who's Jenni McCarthy, "The doctor I know"?

Michele said...

Wow. I can't believe your gut feelings post garnered this kind of attention! Needless to say, mom of five is a WACKO! Besides the fact that this is your blog and you can say absolutely anything you damn well please, I don't think you said anything particularly radical, nor did you state it in an aggressive way. Publishing your extremely tactful response was above and beyond... Keep on keepin' it real, Lisa. I love reading your blog and wouldn't want to you censor yourself one bit. Even if we do disagree about politics : )

Autumn said...

I have felt like I've had to clarify things. I haven't done any research on scheduling of vaccines and I can't say that I'd change my mind overnight but I definitely think anything is worth considering, especially if a DR who has studied it so much might see something. I don't see a problem with considering other sides.