Saturday, September 20, 2008

My babies first tee-ball game!!!!

We want a picture, not a belly itcher!!! Or a nose picker, wedgie picker, or anything you may finding any normal 5 year old boy playing tee-ball to do....unless they are your own adorable child running around out there, then they are the cutest thing ever to hit a ball on two legs!!!!

I must have a thing for men in uniform because when Ryan got all suited up for the first time this morning, I just about fainted, he was soooooo darn cute, CUTE, CUTE!! Baseball pants have a way of hugging the hiney :) I KNOW THIS IS MY SON-CAN IT!

Ryan LOVES base-ball so far and he really really tries so hard! Even when he is not supposed's game went something like this...

Ryan was playing the second base man- you know the guy who stands on second base, ready to catch the ball and tag another team out, something like that...

Ryan felt the need to escort the opposing team to the next base so...

He was running back and forth between 2cd and 3rd for the whole inning. It was so cute. Some kids were like "don't run with me" other put their arm around him and felt the need for a little game snuggle.

For NEVER playing a game in his life, I of course, non-biased, thought he did amazing :)

BTW, check out these uniforms, they have their own team name and their own number!! Seth said he didn't get a numbered Jersey till he was in H.S. Even his stitched hat has his numbered stitched into the side!!! WHAT!! That's where all my $195 went!

Warming up...

...Lining Up with Coach Mike...nice guy...totally volunteer!

...Did you say we can go to Chick-fil-A after this?

Swing batter batter, warming up the old arm....

I am sooo grateful to have my sweet boy old enough to do this stuff, it is amazingly thrilling!!


Amanda B. said...

kids sports are so fun. We have enjoyed t-ball and soccer. It is fun just to watch the kids try to figure out what they are doing. And, yes, very expensive....but fun! :)

Kelly said...

So love the tball game!! Love how adorable they look too!! Hate the price,love the game, what are you going to do?!

Amy Jane said...

awww!!!!! that is too cute! go ryan, i see pro career in your future!!! :)

Valarie said...

Ohhhh, so cute!!!!! He looks so tiny in his little uniform! You go, Ryan!!!