Never Mind....I'll show you, no make-up, in my jammies and all.....
I have a new ALL-TIME, FOREVER and a DAY FAVORITE MOVIE!!!! can you guess????
Here's my story...when I was 12 my big sis, brought home a tape (yes, I said tape, as in cassette, look it up babies) from her favorite band Depeche Mode. Well, they covered a song called "SOS". My sister was curious who sang the original so she went to the library and got a tape of a band called "ABBA" Well, at the time we were moving to Ohio and living in a town home and we were sharing a ROOM! Yes, this was a scary scary sight. But this good thing came out of it....SHE WAS LISTENING TO ABBA! Well, I think she listened to it a couple times and was like, ok that's nice...BUT ME? I was in love at first song. I took the tape from her (I don't think she minded) and I fell in love hard with every song fast!
Then I bought the C.D. and another C.D. and then one day I found there book of EVERY song ever written and I bought that too! When I broke up with boy-friends, what did I want back? Nothing but my ABBA cd's. I would swallow my pride, call them and tell them I'm coming over for ABBA, period.
Do I have a favorite song? NO! There are so many many good ones.
SO...... fast forward ummmm a lot of years, like 18!!!! (Ahhh, go ahead do the MATH!)
I am living in Texas, liking it ok, but not as much as I expected and I get really really home sick. I drive home for summer trip...totally have a blast which makes me even more depressed about not having any friends in Texas and NOT wanting to go back.... my road trip BACK to Texas I am listening to the Secret.. and I learn it's all up to me. I can create the life I want. So I'm not sure, but I give it a whirl. (I love it when I spontaneously rhythm) On my way home, I say, I will make fun friends, I will make friends with BOATS. (Boats and lakes and going out on boats is big here) SO I get home and the sunday I get back I make friends with a girl I had met before AND WE PULL UP TO THEIR HOUSE FOR DINNER AND GUESS WHAT???? THEY HAVE A BOAT! and we love them!
Then there is this other couple that is our age and we adore them too! Interestingly all three hubbies get along like thee pees in a pod. They can all sit around and watch re-runs of "cringe" Beevis and Butthead and get a good laugh. SO we have been spending almost every weekend hanging out with these lovelies BOATING, dinner out, dinner in (they both can cook way YUMMY!) and I am having a blast! does this tie into ABBA? Well, last weekend we decided we needed to do a "girls night out" and we did it!
The Panera by my house FINALLY opened, YAH YAH YAH!!! and so we went there and sat out on the patio and I caught my first chill in TEXAS, it felt great! SO after some good convo, grins and giggles...we headed over to a MOVIE........can you guess?????
OMGash!!!!! I laughed, I cried, I sang, I danced....and it was sooo great to share it with my new three amigas which I am sooooo grateful to have met! I luv you guys!!
******Rachel, STEPH, MILLIE and AMY if you have NOT seen this movie, you can do two things.... yall HAVE to plan a girls night and go see it together! It will be memorable, I promise! and THEN when I get there in DEC. we have to have a girly party in RACHe's attic and have a Mamma Mia dance party!!! You'll know what I mean after you watch it!*****
It was one fun night!!! We definitely have to do it more often. That was the best movie too. I cannot wait to see the costumes Shayla creates for Halloween. Lookin' forward to Sunday!
Auughh! Lisa, I tried to get Mark to go see it with me the other night...but he was reluctant!haha!
I REALLY want to see it.
I am SOOO thrilled you're finding some fun girlies out there! we miss you and love you and are happy to know you're happy!
CAll me soon and give me the play by play on the Cruise-o-rama!!
Luvs ya!
Can I come to the Mamma Mia party tooo?
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