Thursday, January 24, 2008

Am I doomed to being chubby the rest of my life?

So I have to admit...I have been chubby my entire life. Before you protest let me a baby, think rolls, cheeks that I still remember little old ladies coming up to me and squeezing. Must have made an impression since I remember is 25 years later. As I grew I may have gotten taller, but muscles have never pierced through my ever so thick layers. In H.S. there was a girl in my church and school that had guns(arms). Natural beautiful muscle tone. Her name was Michele Weaver. I don't think she even lifted, there was something on her genome GNCA that stood for "BUFF" I admit, that by my Sr. year of HS I was still chubby. My chubby peaked at 20, interestingly enough the peak of my "finding my eternal partner, really need a high self esteem-time of life" No luck with that-dang it. Couldn't put down the Twinkie. Got married-starved myself for 3 days straight before the wedding. Count them 1-2-3. Not even a carrot till the day of the wedding. My disclaimer- don't' try this at home girls. My honeymoon, I ate and ate and ate, plus flying makes me bloated...thus I had a F.U.P.A. (Fat upper pee-pee area) You know what I'm talking about girls. Oh, speaking of girls. That's the ONLY good thing about being chubby. The "girls like it" I liked it. Yes, I once had a nice large rack...but I was chubby. Then the most interesting thing happened. Pregnancy. Gained a fair amount of weight 35-40 poundaroos and then out comes this 7 pound baby. You read in magazines that the baby plus water and placenta equals about 15-20 pounds...they LIE!!! Post delivery I get on the scale and I had lost 10 pounds tops! But don't start to feel too sorry for me. I started nursing and nursing some more. Ryan was 20 pounds at 9 months old. So you can imagine what I looked like. I was now skinny FAT. You know the term. You are a shrunken version of your once flabby self only smaller. It may look like this.....

No real muscle tone, still have the skin and puffiness. I do appreciate that I can cover this up in cloths mostly and I like the skinny fat vs. the chubby fat version of myself. So this leads me to my quest..or question...could I ever be BUFF? Like athletic and muscly. Could muscles exists under my layer or layers of facist tissue and fat?

Could I look like this
No! I'm offended, ok maybe not too much, this is a picture of the reigning Ms. Fitness. So I'm not going to go crazy, but I have started this new class that makes me feel like rubber when I'm done. (That's good right?) And I am going to try to let my muscles shine, well at least SHOW. Am I going to show you a pre & post picture of myself in a bikini holding a newspaper...ummmm what ARE YOU CRAZY??? Just now that if I never talk about it again. I look more like the girl in the above picture and less of Ms. Fitness. Alas, I am grateful to have a healthy body that functions fueled mostly by flour tortillas and ghiradelli brownies, SORRY!!!


Rachel H said...

You are a silly silly goose!How funny, that pic of Ms. Fitness is AWESOME- can you imagine what it would take to even get as TAN as her? That's a lotta bottles o' sunless! Hah! Sounds like you joined the gym though! That always gets ya feelin' good- maybe do some spinning again? Just don't start eating those heavy Amish p-b-j sandwiches after...heehee.

Kristen said...

i think we all feel like this sometimes. That post baby weight is hard to loose. enjoy your classes- working out does make you feel so much better. We hope that you love you new house.

Kelly said...

How is the new house?! I think you are too funny- you skinny fat?! Yeah, sure- you are anything but that! You look great, but I know how you feel- I am going through much of the same- I have beefed up my running and am trying to tone up some too- keep me posted! Take care!

Hillary said...

Welcome back to blogger world, I've been hoping to see a posting from you, I hope you're enjoying Texas. I love the term skinny-fat, that totally sums up how I've been feeling lately, now I can actually put a name with it!
Keep us posted on how life in Texas is going, we miss you out here in CT!

Amy Jane said...

holla to the skinny-fat girls out there!! lol :)

Darleen said... this Lisa posting?? Okay you are NOT fat or even skinny-fat. You have a rockin' body and you don't have to look like Ms. Fitness--that's gross. Okay, how have you been??? Are you going to post about your new life down south??

Valarie said...

Ew. Please don't try to look like Ms. Fitness. I don't think Seth wants to be married to a man!! You aren't fat. And no one should compare themself to Michelle....she just got super lucky. So, the next time you are feeling fat, just think of me and that should make you feel better. :)

Aggieland Mom said...

Skinny-fat, that's funny, hahahahaha. You have a great body, I agree with Darleen! You crack me up.