Thursday, April 24, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
********************NEED I SAY MORE???? **********************
THis is how she spends he weekends. By week she is a ubber smart proffesional that works for the USGS (US Geological Service) and getting her masters in HYDROLOGY..by night she is a ...what are you Michele? But by weekend she is a rock climbing, boy chasing(actually according to her she is running as fast as they can chase, but they continue to follow), wave catching kayaker that is loved by many especially ME! I wish we were closer, she is smashingly fun. But the landscapes of Oregon own her adventerous spirit and love of the outdoors. Shout out to you in OREGON my dear....you are LOVED!!!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
A letter from grandma- read by Ryan (5 yrs.)
My mom had a light-bulb moment the other day. She realized that now that Ryan can read she could mail him a letter. Being the awesome grandmother that she is, she followed through. Two days later, a letter arrived from none other than JUDY ADAMS To RYAN!!! He was so excited! He opened it and read aloud for all to hear. I captured the entire thing for you grandparents to see and hear. Ryan is pretty much a self taught reader, the little whiz.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Snips and Snails and......SPIDERS!!!!
As many of you that know our Ryan...he is a picky eater and getting him to try something new was like forcing Iraq into independence. Not easy. It usually lead to him gagging and inducing a barfaroni....ewwwwww. So it was to our utter amazment when he decided he wanted to try some of Seth's hamburger.....
AND LIKED IT>>>>EVEN WANTED MORE????????????????
So we made him his very own and he ate the whole thing. He didn't want anything on it, true to Ryan he still likes things plain. Just the bun and meat and ketchup, but this is HUGE!!!!
(Ryan gnawing on the very last bite....YUM YUM!!!)Thursday, April 17, 2008
The quest for the perfect cabinet, No shows, and Visitations from wealthy winged thingys
Here are the steps I have done so far (with pictures):1. Sand the varnish off doors-We are using an electric sander. It doesn't have to be stripped down to the bare wood just take off the shine. Hand sanding was done in the crevices. 80 grit was used.2. Prime the surface with two coats of primer(coat front and back of door). I am using sponge brushes(no brush strokes)3. Paint base coat with ivory paint /egg shell finish. Two coats using sponge brush and small roller.4. Once dry, wet sand with 400 grit. Wear away paint at the corners. WetSanding gives a really smooth surface.5. With a small sponge brush apply water based stain. I used minwax American walnut. While wet wipe off stain with paper towel. Than wet sand again to lighten stain more and get rid of streaks. Leave the stain a bit darker in corners and crevices. 6. Varnish with satin polyurethane.
Then they look like this...which I can't take credit for...these are done by a wonderful artist out of Florida named Cindy Hess .
I know you traditionally are supposed to blog about stuff oyu already have completed but Im finding trouble in motivaiton to if I shout out to the world that....
*************************Maybe just maybe it will happen.
So what else is new, well lets see I planned a play group for my new ward and I had a great turn out my best ever.....
Hmmm, what happened? Do I stink, did I not advertise enough? Oh well, I will be resilient and try again, I will try to remember to attend things I myself am invited to. Have you ever felt that way. Like I was not that good at attending church activities until I had that calling and once I found out how much work goes into it....you start thinking twice about if you start to contemplate having a lazy day and staying home instead of going to whatever prospective activity.
So also, the toothy fairy came and went. The tooth fairy was VERY VERY good to Ryan. The tooth fairy FORGOT to go get change and the tooth fairy forgot until 6 a.m. to the tooth fairy had two choices 1
1) give the toothless child $1 ( which was plenty, but Seth already told Ryan the tooth was worth at least $5)
2) The only other bill she had A $20
So Ryan woke up to find a whopping $20 under his pillow and he was happy of course, but this sets a BAD BAD president for all other loose teeth, future children and their children's children. At this rate of inflation Ryan's kids are gonna get $5,000 under their pillow!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Quuen Bee
Lisa: a Queen Bee
Ryan: OHHHH a queen bee
Lisa: Yup and I'm the queen bee of this house!
Ryan: What, no your not! Your NOT a bee, (gigling) your kidding, Lisa.
Lisa no I'm not (i put my finger down by my bottom end pointing out and back into him pretending to STING HIM with my finger
Ryan: well you didn't sting me so YOUR NOT A QUEEN BEE...you my mom
Lisa:ya ok i guess not....
He can dance, he can jive!!! And HE lost a tooth!!!
This was just tooo good!
Then Ethan started trying too...
A couple days ago Ryan comes up to me and says, "Mommy my teeth are broken!" with that he starts to wiggle his lower middle tooth. "OH MY GASH RYAN YOU ARE LOOSING YOUR FIRST BABY TOOTH!!!" This is momentous right. It means two things, Ryan is growing up and I am getting old! My sister's blog is her baby's first tooth coming in at the same spot that Ryan's is wiggly! Well I explain to him that he needs to keep wiggling it with his tongue and eventually it will fall of. Well, we had bacon for breakfast this morning. That did the trick, "he mommy," he says holding something out, "look, i think its my tooth!" AWWWW it is, now i need to explain...
Tooth fairies- this feels like a right of passage...I get to explain the fairy goodness how a tooth earns you a ,well.... in my day it was a nickel. Michele got a quarter one time and I was really really hoping for that..a whole quarter, but I got a nickel. The tooth fairy brought nickels, dimes, quarters, and one time a pack of Bubbleicious gum.
This generation comes along and Seth says I think that little tooth is worth at least $5.00!!! Wow- inflation. No wonder why the price of gas has gone up so much!!!
On thursday I start a digital scrappy class so maybe I can figure out how to make my page look right and maybe even cute....
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Saturday Sunny Sea World
We got there at the PERFECT time, which never happens to us, we are usually the "10 minutes late family". But we got to the pack with 10 minutes BEFORE they opened, which meant we could walk in and ride ANY ride Ryan wanted to ride with NO wait! Ryan has turned out to be a very very brave boy. I thought he might take after his father more and say no way, but this is what he wanted to ride this time....
The taller, faster, scarier the better for me so I grabbed his hand and we ran to the launch. It was so cool just walking right on the ride that the last time we went was an 1 1/2 wait time!!! when he got off the ride he yells,
Then we went to the Believe show. This is the one with Shamu's great, great, great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great grandson named none other than SHAMU! We did NOT sit in the soak zone!
By then it was about 1 and this WALL of people entered the park. The once empty isles were filled side to side with people. UGH! We went out to eat (with the plan to come back) BUT after fighting our way to the car, (we were like fish swimming upstream against that wall of people) we decided to get in our car and drive away. But we still felt like we had done a lot and were content with that. After all we have season passes and can come back for free when ever we want.
Oh, and when we drove into our neighborhood, we drove to the back of neighborhood where there is a nature preserve with a trail and a stream with little waterfalls...Ryan had never been there before and HE LOVED IT! He wanted to keep going and was very quick to want to cross the stream bed, we kept telling him NO, because he was wearing his nice shoes...Seth said he saw a snake in the water, I thought that was it, he would never want to come back, but luckily Ryan and Ethan liked it and I think we have many more explorations back there to go! I hope I remember to bring my camera one time so I can show YALL!!! It's so pretty!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Friday, April 4, 2008
You can dance, you can jive! Havin the time of your life.....
Ryan: "Lisa I want to take a video of you dancing..."
I think the Rockettes are calling...teh hee....
Diaper Diaries:
So last night, seth was a proud papa. He got the packaging tape out again and tapes that sucker up good. Only a super baby was getting out of that bad boy.
I walk in and see Shapoopie (Ethan) kneeling over a wet spot. Automatically I assume he has somehow got it off and look for the tracks...but the diaper was still ON!!! So what is that wet spot?
Me- " Ethan is this pee pee or water?"
Ethan-(cute little high pitched squeak) "pee pee."
Oh.Well, What does a two year old know, his diaper is still on, his sippy cup must have leaked. Then Seth lifts him up and his legs instinctively spread apart.
That's right folks, he fished it out and aimed and fired...he was so proud of himself. Well, that's it, you are sentenced to a life of cut-out one piece sleepers. Try to get out of that one wise guy!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
How to Treat the Windows....the design
I will make you happy mommy!
OH, and MANDY...thank you!!! That suggestion about the wearing sleeper backwards, with the zipper in the back...genius. BUT....It's Texas and HOT...so I mentioned it to my doctor and she was like DUH, cut the sleeves and feet out! DUHHHHH why didn't I think of that? So he looks like baby Tarzan, but he woke up from his nap NOT smelling like roses, but at least the load was contained in a nice little package this time instead of strewn about...ugh yucky.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
No more Couch Potatoes!
These couches have been awesome...so comfy and good...but every dog has its day...and after 2 babies spitting up on them, food spilling on them, coloring book on them...these couches were screaming at me to let them go!
So today is the day I have been waiting for...it seems like my whole marriage. The day I get to go pick out living room furniture, pick out fabrics and have them delivered. It's like having a baby almost...to see what you've been cooking up....how it turned out! SO here it is....
Oh and this is for you Allison....I tried the duck tape. To fill everyone else in....
Ethan as described earlier is a crib stripper. He lays down and thinks to himself "I have nothing to do but lay here and go to sleep, OR I can go No. 1 or 2 and then strip down and play in it! " To my disgust he chooses option #2 and I wash sheets at least once a day, sometimes two! Anyway, we have been wrapping a belt around his hips and sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't.
So a friend said her child did the same and recommended duck tapping the diaper on. Well, I found a role and thought I would try it out.
This is the result..... ( the groin cloth is for modesty)